2024. 11. 한일합동이사회
관리자 2024.11.25 200
Korean Assoc. MaxilloFac. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. (KAMPRS) & Japanese Soc. Jaw Deformity (JSJD)
The conjunction Meeting 2024 
Time: 12:00-13:30 PM
Date: 8th(Fri), November, 2024 
Venue: 김순전 홀 

Attendees from KAMPRS:
President  Prof. Jeong-Keun Lee
Vice President, 2024 KAMPRS congress chairman: Prof. Young-Soo Jung
Vice President: Prof. Kang-Min Ahn
Director, General Affairs: Prof. Yong-Deok Kim 
Director, Scientific Programs: Prof. Joo-Young Park 
Director, Education Affairs: Prof. Sang-Ho Jun
Director, Publication and Editorial Service: Prof. Dae-seok Hwang
Director, Legal and Regulatory Affairs: Prof. Jin-Woo Kim
Director, External and Public Relations Affairs: Prof. Jun-Young Kim
Insurance Director: Prof. Jeong-Kui Ku
Director, Treasurer : Prof. Mi-Hyun Seo
Director, International Affairs: Prof. Young-Min Shin
2025 KAMPRS congress chairman: Prof. Chul-Hoon KIM
Attendees from JSJD:
President  Prof. Yoshiki Hamada
Director   Prof. Koichiro Ueki 
          Prof. Kensuke Yamauchi 
          Prof. Yasushi Nishii
          Prof. Tomonao Aikawa
2025 JSJD congress chairman : Prof.  Izumi Yoshioka
Agenda Outline: 
1. Welcome remarks from Prof. Jeong-Keun Lee (President of KAMPRS) 
2. Congratulatory message from Prof. Yoshiki Hamada (President of JSJD) 
3. Introduction of the board members of both societies(List of the board members)
4. Welcome remarks from KAMPRS Congress 2024 
    (Congress Chairman: Prof. Young-Soo Jung) 
5. Announcement of JSJD Congress 2025 
    (Congress Chairman: Prof. Izumi Yoshioka)
6. Announcement of KAMPRS Congress 2025
   (Congress Chairman: Prof. Chul-Hoon KIM)        
7. KAMPRS Journal "Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery" 
(Comments from Editor-in-chief  Prof. Dae-seok Hwang ) )
8. Free Discussion with Lunch
9. Closing Remarks from Prof. Jeong-Keun Lee (President of KAMPRS)
10. Group Photo Taking 
