2024.11 한대합동이사회
관리자 2024.11.25 135
<2024 KAMPRS and TAOMS Board of Directors Meeting Agenda>
Time: 9:00-10:00 AM
Date: 9th(Sat), November, 2024 
Venue: Kim Soon Jeon Hall
Attendees from KAMPRS:
President  Prof. Jeong-Keun Lee
Vice President, 2024 KAMPRS congress chairman: Prof. Young-Soo Jung
Vice President: Prof. Kang-Min Ahn
Director, General Affairs: Prof. Yong-Deok Kim 
Director, Scientific Programs: Prof. Joo-Young Park 
Director, Education Affairs: Prof. Sang-Ho Jun
Director, Publication and Editorial Service: Prof. Dae-seok Hwang
Director, Legal and Regulatory Affairs: Prof. Jin-Woo Kim
Director, External and Public Relations Affairs: Prof. Jun-Young Kim
Insurance Director: Prof. Jeong-Kui Ku
Director, Treasurer : Prof. Mi-Hyun Seo
Director, International Affairs: Prof. Young-Min Shin
2025 KAMPRS congress chairman: Prof. Chul-Hoon KIM
Attendees from TAOMS:
President: Prof. Charles, Kuan-Chou LIN
Former President: Prof. Shih-Jung CHENG
Executive Director, Scientific Affairs: Prof. Cheng-Hsien WU
Executive Director, International Affairs: Prof. Chi-Sheng CHENG
Executive Director: Prof. Shiao-Pieng LEE
Agenda Outline:
1. Welcome remarks from Prof. Jeong-Keun Lee (President of KAMPRS) 
2. Congratulatory message from Prof. Kuan-Chou LIN (President of TAOMS) 
3. Introduction of the board members of both societies (List of the board members)
4. Welcome remarks from KAMPRS Congress 2024 
(Congress Chairman: Prof. Young-Soo Jung) 
5. Announcement of TAOMS Congress 2025 
(Executive Director, Scientific Affairs: Prof. Cheng-Hsien WU)
6. Announcement of KAMPRS Congress 2025
   (Congress Chairman: Prof. Chul-Hoon KIM)        
7. KAMPRS Journal "Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery" 
   (Comments from Editor-in-chief  Prof. Dae-seok Hwang ) 
8. Free Discussion
9. Closing Remarks from Prof. Jeong-Keun Lee (President of KAMPRS)
10. Group Photo Taking 
